Wednesday, 4 March 2015


It is never too early or late to learn about parenting, take all the information you can as you come across it.
When most babies are born they come with an insatiable quest for water and liquid stuff, but soon, that thirst is either taken away or it is converted to thirst for liquid things other than water. Scientists tell us that water is essential for a lot of things, and our kids need it so dearly – where have we gone wrong.
I came up with this while watching a lot of kids play around and interact at my church. I watched how their parents react to the different things the kids do. I realised that just because kid have the tendency to urinate a lot and also have not built up the stamina to hold it for long periods, parents tend to control the intake of water just to prevent having to take them to the toilet every few minutes or have to change their diapers a lot for the younger ones.
Let’s be sure that the decisions we make for our children are not ones that we are making simply for our convenience or the convenience of our pockets and that even if it comes down to that, that these decisions will not lend a helping hand to mar their future.
It is at this early age that we embed into them the things that will most likely stay with them throughout life. Teach them what they need now even though it might be inconvenient for you. The Bible definitely did not tell a lie when it said – train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.


I know we, must all know the phenomena of the moving moon, where it seems like wherever we go, the moon is moving with us. Some of us may have been deceived as kids to even believe in it – funny things we believed as children huh.
Well the phenomena came back to me now but in a different way that I think we can identify with. I was in a bus yesterday and one of the passengers was on the phone talking about what sounded like JAMB and then I realised that I had forgotten about the existence of such a thing. Back then when I was getting ready to take the exams, it felt like everyone in the world was taking it with me; some were taking it for the first time while others had been ‘JAMMED’ a couple of times and were still taking another try.
This evening also, I saw someone carrying a basin containing substance I wasn’t sure of but I knew the person was taking it to be milled. I asked my sister if such a thing still existed. I mean I still see the grinding machines in people’s shops but I didn’t know people still patronised them. What was more shocking is that I live in an area where you would think people would be more educated or at least rich enough to find means of avoiding such occurrences guess I was wrong.
So what I'm saying is, there are things that happened back in the day that seemed acceptable to me when I was also doing them, but when I stopped I felt like it should have stopped happening. What s our story like. Place a comment below.


On Sunday morning as I fried plantain to eat after service, I had a deeper understanding of the will of God concerning fasting, it was so strong and I had taken a decision to see fasting from that angle, I knew that word was going to keep me and help me to grow spiritually. Seconds later, it was as if someone told me – “that word was meant for you to let go of that food and go to church just like that. In my mind I argued, I said “God I promise to live this life immediately after today, but you know I will be staying back for rehearsal till four or whenever the spirit leads, and I usually can’t last that long without food.
I put up some more arguments – sensible ones at that, but before I knew it the word had disappeared from me. It was not just some head knowledge, it was more of a heart knowledge and so even though I still remember a few of the words, it’s just in my head and not in my heart right now. I’m still praying that God will restore it to me.
We all do make mistakes; we sometimes argue with God, we do things in our Christian walk that we end up regretting, but God is merciful and because Paul said that we do not have an affliction that is not common to others, I ask that you share your affliction for someone to be encouraged- breakthrough is coming.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

NWICO - New World Information and Communication Order

The situation of imbalance in the international flow of news was given a voice through the platform of the new world information and communication debate but till today – three decades and a year after the publication of the MacBride report, the effect of it being opposed by the developed world has still not worn out. This paper seeks to trace the history and content of  the NWICO debate evaluate the success or failure of the debate and proffer solutions to some of the problems the debate has encountered.

The average African of today when asked to choose between two products of equal relevance from a western nation and one from an African nation - probably even his own African country,  would more often than not pick the western product without a second thought. Whom do we blame for this? Do we even need to push blames to anyone? What can we do to prevent a situation like this? Is there even a situation, and if there is what is the solution?
According to the NWICO cause the African man is not to blame because it is the western world that has distilled him with a sort of inferiority complex that he is somewhat proud of and for MacBride et al (1980) “the ills of … of modern communication are rooted in the past” i.e. they have been implanted almost since the beginning of time, and he cites the declaration of the rights of man proclaimed in France in 1789 as being “essentially freedom for ideas, for those who create and propagate it … permitting top-down communication from political and intellectual leaders to the public”
The example by MacBride above is a more ancient form of imbalance and was within the same country, but it was the imbalanced flow of information from the developed world down to the developing world that gave rise to cries of foul play of the developed world against the third world. The developing world engaged the western world in several debates notably in 1969, 1974, 1975 and ultimately in 1980 when the report “many voices one world” was published. Ever since then it has been one Struggle or the other as the third world tried to prove that the so called free flow of information was actually a one way flow from the north down to the south without any corresponding feedback.

Cooking list - okro soup with bitter leaf.

I must start by saying that when cooking this meal, you must be able to compliment yourself and say, "it couldn't be any better." This is because the bitter leaf, from its name can be challenging


  1. OKRO - must be fresh
  2. BITTER LEAF - you can buy fresh ones and wash them or buy the FRESHLY washed one's from the market women.
  3. SEA FOODS - fish first, then prawns,and whatever other sea foods you like. All must be fresh or frozen, not dried. But if you like dried ones, go with it all the way. 
  4. Pepper, salt, seasoning etc.

Note: please conduct this process while cooking the sea-foods

If you wish to buy the unwashed bitter leaves, you must be very careful to prepare it well.
First, pluck the each leaf from the branches. In doing so, make sure that each leaf comes off of its stalk almost to the tip of the leaf. If the stalk remains, it will look shabby, the stalk of bitter leaf is not so easy to cut. The reason is mostly because, the leaves get pieced during the washing process, and you won't need to cut the leaves as much as the stalk which may need twice the effort. So, work hard at this stage to get them out of the way.

After plucking, you rinse properly. The rinsing takes away the sand before you start washing

Next, washing. Washing doesn't necessarily involve much else. It still takes water, a basin and your hands. All you need is an extra strength to scrub the leaves against each other. Do this over and over, changing the water constantly.Soon the water becomes foamy, and after changing the water a few time, the foam goes, away, it is safe at this point to say the bitterness has gone away or is at least inconsequential. you can now chop the leaves into a tinier consistency

The leaf is now ready. now you chop the okro .

If the sea-foods are well cooked by now, you are ready to start the proper cooking. simply add some more water to the pot. season some more to suit the level of water in the pot. when the taste is alright for you, add the chopped okro, allow it to cook and then add the bitter leaves - just enough to be visible but not too much as to overshadow the other elements in the pot. Add palm oil and after just one minute, you can put off the flame.

So, cooking Nigerian or any other meals may seem difficult, but they are not really. It is all in the pre-cooking. The actual cooking is never difficult when once you are done with the preparations

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

He's calling me deeper

So, I was reading this passage this morning and suddenly I realised something, which made me realise something about something I had never realised that I did not realise before.
The thing is that God's word does not allow you remain a simpleton. It naturally makes you aim higher and higher for understanding. It is not just a set of absurd human rules that you should obey without thinking
It has depth so it therefore calls you deeper. And deep calleth unto deep i.e when you go one depth, you definitely will have to be called unto another depth, and the next, and the next one after the next, and so on  - there is no end to the depth, not even in heaven.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

food for thought + leader of the follower

What do people really want in a leader, someone who knows where he is going, knows or at least has an idea of how to get there, but doesn't want to monopolize that way; but allows others to chip into the way and thereby make way for more q
people than he alone could make way for.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

we all crazy people

So I was watching this fashion show on fashion tv. Naturally I am a very good at observing body language.
Most of this people are supposed to be the whose who of fashion at least in that region. Now I look at the way they are dressed and the way each person is reacting to their neighbours manner of dressing. My conclusion of it all :-  we are all crazy people.
It made me think back to one of Guliana Ransik's  appearance as a host on a beauty pageant. She had designed a dress and was very disturbed to know what people would think about the dress. Isn't it crazy since she is criticising others for their lack of dress sense and yet she is also a victim of that.
I am not saying we should allow one another be, to the extent that society become insane and we can almost declare a fashion state of emergency in the world - which is still about to happen, even with the various acclaimed guides to the fashion world. All I am saying is, let's hive each other some breathing space. To an extent, there is an inner designer in most of us, so let's allow ourselves that opportunity sometimes

Thursday, 22 January 2015

words 1-5 Jan:22:2'15

  1. Overmix
verb (overmixes, overmixing; past and past participle overmixed)
To mix too thoroughly

Wow, I am sure if I wrote this in an essay, they'd probably mark me down for using under and mix as one word. Now I know the truth it has set me free.

  1. Sum up verb(idiomatic) to summarize 
So, to sum up your argument, what you are saying is that it is impossible.

All I can say is; why is this put in the dictionary this way.

  1. Theandric 
adjective (not comparable)
(theology) Relating to, or existing by, the union of divine and human operation in Christ, or the joint agency of the divine and human nature.

  1. humourist

noun (plural humourists)
- (British) Alternative spelling of humorist

Note the difference between the British and American

The last one for this date is pretty long, so i don't want to comment again. Goodnight, sweet dreams

  1. idiosyncrasy


First attested in 1604, in modern sense since 1665, from Old French idiosyncrasie, from Ancient Greek ἰδιοσυγκρασία, from ἴδιος + σύν + κρᾶσις.

noun (plural idiosyncrasies)
- A behavior or way of thinking that is characteristic of a person.
- A language or behaviour that is particular to an individual or group.
- (medicine) A peculiar individual reaction to a generally innocuous substance or factor.
- A peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify.
    He mastered the idiosyncrasies of English spelling.

- eccentricity
- foible
- habit
- mannerism
- oddity
- quirk
- vagary

Word 3,4,5 Jan:21:2'15

Hey, so we couldn't go through the last three words yesterday, well here they are;

The cardinal number immediately following eighty-four and preceding eighty-six.
Arabic numerals: 85
Roman numerals: LXXXV
translations (the cardinal number 85)
German: fünfundachtzig
Italian: ottantacinque
Portuguese: oitenta e cinco
Russian: восемьдесят пять
Spanish: ochenta y cinco
Wow, I allowed this one cos of the many other languages, I hope I can learn them. Notice how the Portuguese and the Spanish are alike.

noun (plural chorepiscopi)
A country or suffragan bishop, appointed in the ancient church by a diocesan bishop to exercise episcopal jurisdiction in a rural district.

The dictionary on my device does not even know this one. I would have never pegged it for something that could be in an English-language dictionary. You might also need to check the definitions of some of the words that were used to define it - how strenuous.

From Spanish Murcia.

An autonomous community in south-eastern Spain.
The capital city of the region of Murcia.
translations (community)
Portuguese: Múrcia
Russian: Мурсия
Spanish: Murcia
translations (city)
French: Murcie
Italian: Murcia
Portuguese: Múrcia
Russian: Мурсия
Spanish: Murcia

Funny things you can find in a dictionary huh. At least my device knows this one.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

hair revamp

Well this is one of those publications I told you I had to hold back on due to lack of appropriate illustrations for you.
I'll tell you about it anyways, see if you can follow.
See I have carried this hair for quite sometime - beyond the four weeks period most people I know keep their hair. That's because I believe that if the hair inside isn't smelling and you took the time and money to buy a pretty good weapon, then you should carry it for as long as it looks good or at least longer than four weeks. So I'll tell you how I did it.
The hair was originally wavy, but it had started to lose the wave. Make sure that while the hair is still new, you comb it line by line at least once a week with a wave comb - even if the weapon is expensive, it still need proper care just like the synthetic ones.
When it is over a month it may lose some of the waves and if you want it back, here's how to do it.
First, get those really tiny rollers that have a soft rubber attachment to hold the hair in place.
Rub in a good serum or hair shine product. Comb it in. Take really tiny portions of the hair - I'd like to call it YOUR hair. And wrap it round the rolers. You have just about twelve but that's all you'll need.
Do this in different parts of you hair Making to go around the hair. You may have to lift off portions of hair to pick smaller portions underneath.
You can now simply leave it till morning.
In the morning. Unwrap the hair from the rollers. You should have combed your hair properly the previous day to avoid having to comb this morning.
If you did it well, you can just walk out your door without doing more than running your hands through the hair and your hair will look like you made it yesterday.
Oh, let this be our little secret.

Word 2 Jan:21:2'15

noun (plural fishkills)
An environmental event in which fish are killed
Well I didn't know that such a thing could be considered a word!
Well now you know.

Word 1 Jan:21:2'15

Meshugga or meshugge

From Yiddish משוגע, from Hebrew מְשׁוּגָּע, a form of שׁוּגַּע and שִׁיגַּע.

- crazy, mad, senseless, insane
    That meshugge boy changed lanes on the highway without even looking!
German: meschugge


I said happy new years because it's been so long. I am sorry for not being here for so long. I have a lot to tell you but due to many difficulties, I haven't been able to.
I promise to do my best to share all that I have with you even if I may not have all the needed attachments to give you the best. As time goes on I will add what I can.
So the new thing I want to focus on is languages.
Has it ever happened to you that because of time and other factors, languages that you have learned and mastered, begin to wane. You seem to lose touch with them.
Mine happened with English language; the language I received many nicknames for.
So this year I have decided not to sit down and watch that happen. I will get at least five words from the dictionary at random everyday and never stop even when I am completely back in control. I think I'll also throw in a bonus of other languages to make it more fun.
I invite you to join me on this journey. Whatever your waned language may be. Jump in and take it back.
Welcome to the active year of 2015.


What's the difference?
I guess I always knew that there is nothing new under the sun. Things is that I only recently am beginning to realise it for sure.
I am watching the power tussle in my country Nigeria. At the same time I am watching this very excellent series - game of thrones. I have always been a fan of ancient movies, movies about ancient times, and history in general.
I see that lack of knowledge of history has lead many to believe that they are doing something entirely new that no one has ever done.
The truth is that there is indeed nothing new under the sun. We simply find new ways of doing old things.
Take slavery for instance. We think that the declaration of rights has made it impossible for slave trade but slave trade has simply just found a new way to hide in plane sight.
Many men and women are still slaves today. Unfortunately, this new form of slavery is unknown to many of its slaves. I'll elaborate more on this later.
Another thing that I have seem that has never changed is the power tussle I was talking about. It's all about who can control things, who has . The most money, who can manipulate people the most and all the rest of that stuff. It's like I am watching a reenactment of "300" or even this "game of thrones".
My point is that since there is nothing new really. Then we must look back at our own lives and the lives of others that have lived before us, both the good and the bad and learn from them before we can look forward in life.
We need to stop being in such a haste everyday and pay attention to the things that really matter. Theist upward flying invention is the rocket and there is a reason why what propels it is at its rear.
Think on this till next time.

As a continuation of my thoughts, I realise that even in this age of democracy, the downtrodden do not want to support their fellows who try to rise for the good of all.
Also, even with new technology available, it seems to leave those in power even more confused over what to do about public feelings, it's really funny to watch. Till next time