Wednesday, 4 March 2015


It is never too early or late to learn about parenting, take all the information you can as you come across it.
When most babies are born they come with an insatiable quest for water and liquid stuff, but soon, that thirst is either taken away or it is converted to thirst for liquid things other than water. Scientists tell us that water is essential for a lot of things, and our kids need it so dearly – where have we gone wrong.
I came up with this while watching a lot of kids play around and interact at my church. I watched how their parents react to the different things the kids do. I realised that just because kid have the tendency to urinate a lot and also have not built up the stamina to hold it for long periods, parents tend to control the intake of water just to prevent having to take them to the toilet every few minutes or have to change their diapers a lot for the younger ones.
Let’s be sure that the decisions we make for our children are not ones that we are making simply for our convenience or the convenience of our pockets and that even if it comes down to that, that these decisions will not lend a helping hand to mar their future.
It is at this early age that we embed into them the things that will most likely stay with them throughout life. Teach them what they need now even though it might be inconvenient for you. The Bible definitely did not tell a lie when it said – train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.


I know we, must all know the phenomena of the moving moon, where it seems like wherever we go, the moon is moving with us. Some of us may have been deceived as kids to even believe in it – funny things we believed as children huh.
Well the phenomena came back to me now but in a different way that I think we can identify with. I was in a bus yesterday and one of the passengers was on the phone talking about what sounded like JAMB and then I realised that I had forgotten about the existence of such a thing. Back then when I was getting ready to take the exams, it felt like everyone in the world was taking it with me; some were taking it for the first time while others had been ‘JAMMED’ a couple of times and were still taking another try.
This evening also, I saw someone carrying a basin containing substance I wasn’t sure of but I knew the person was taking it to be milled. I asked my sister if such a thing still existed. I mean I still see the grinding machines in people’s shops but I didn’t know people still patronised them. What was more shocking is that I live in an area where you would think people would be more educated or at least rich enough to find means of avoiding such occurrences guess I was wrong.
So what I'm saying is, there are things that happened back in the day that seemed acceptable to me when I was also doing them, but when I stopped I felt like it should have stopped happening. What s our story like. Place a comment below.


On Sunday morning as I fried plantain to eat after service, I had a deeper understanding of the will of God concerning fasting, it was so strong and I had taken a decision to see fasting from that angle, I knew that word was going to keep me and help me to grow spiritually. Seconds later, it was as if someone told me – “that word was meant for you to let go of that food and go to church just like that. In my mind I argued, I said “God I promise to live this life immediately after today, but you know I will be staying back for rehearsal till four or whenever the spirit leads, and I usually can’t last that long without food.
I put up some more arguments – sensible ones at that, but before I knew it the word had disappeared from me. It was not just some head knowledge, it was more of a heart knowledge and so even though I still remember a few of the words, it’s just in my head and not in my heart right now. I’m still praying that God will restore it to me.
We all do make mistakes; we sometimes argue with God, we do things in our Christian walk that we end up regretting, but God is merciful and because Paul said that we do not have an affliction that is not common to others, I ask that you share your affliction for someone to be encouraged- breakthrough is coming.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

NWICO - New World Information and Communication Order

The situation of imbalance in the international flow of news was given a voice through the platform of the new world information and communication debate but till today – three decades and a year after the publication of the MacBride report, the effect of it being opposed by the developed world has still not worn out. This paper seeks to trace the history and content of  the NWICO debate evaluate the success or failure of the debate and proffer solutions to some of the problems the debate has encountered.

The average African of today when asked to choose between two products of equal relevance from a western nation and one from an African nation - probably even his own African country,  would more often than not pick the western product without a second thought. Whom do we blame for this? Do we even need to push blames to anyone? What can we do to prevent a situation like this? Is there even a situation, and if there is what is the solution?
According to the NWICO cause the African man is not to blame because it is the western world that has distilled him with a sort of inferiority complex that he is somewhat proud of and for MacBride et al (1980) “the ills of … of modern communication are rooted in the past” i.e. they have been implanted almost since the beginning of time, and he cites the declaration of the rights of man proclaimed in France in 1789 as being “essentially freedom for ideas, for those who create and propagate it … permitting top-down communication from political and intellectual leaders to the public”
The example by MacBride above is a more ancient form of imbalance and was within the same country, but it was the imbalanced flow of information from the developed world down to the developing world that gave rise to cries of foul play of the developed world against the third world. The developing world engaged the western world in several debates notably in 1969, 1974, 1975 and ultimately in 1980 when the report “many voices one world” was published. Ever since then it has been one Struggle or the other as the third world tried to prove that the so called free flow of information was actually a one way flow from the north down to the south without any corresponding feedback.

Cooking list - okro soup with bitter leaf.

I must start by saying that when cooking this meal, you must be able to compliment yourself and say, "it couldn't be any better." This is because the bitter leaf, from its name can be challenging


  1. OKRO - must be fresh
  2. BITTER LEAF - you can buy fresh ones and wash them or buy the FRESHLY washed one's from the market women.
  3. SEA FOODS - fish first, then prawns,and whatever other sea foods you like. All must be fresh or frozen, not dried. But if you like dried ones, go with it all the way. 
  4. Pepper, salt, seasoning etc.

Note: please conduct this process while cooking the sea-foods

If you wish to buy the unwashed bitter leaves, you must be very careful to prepare it well.
First, pluck the each leaf from the branches. In doing so, make sure that each leaf comes off of its stalk almost to the tip of the leaf. If the stalk remains, it will look shabby, the stalk of bitter leaf is not so easy to cut. The reason is mostly because, the leaves get pieced during the washing process, and you won't need to cut the leaves as much as the stalk which may need twice the effort. So, work hard at this stage to get them out of the way.

After plucking, you rinse properly. The rinsing takes away the sand before you start washing

Next, washing. Washing doesn't necessarily involve much else. It still takes water, a basin and your hands. All you need is an extra strength to scrub the leaves against each other. Do this over and over, changing the water constantly.Soon the water becomes foamy, and after changing the water a few time, the foam goes, away, it is safe at this point to say the bitterness has gone away or is at least inconsequential. you can now chop the leaves into a tinier consistency

The leaf is now ready. now you chop the okro .

If the sea-foods are well cooked by now, you are ready to start the proper cooking. simply add some more water to the pot. season some more to suit the level of water in the pot. when the taste is alright for you, add the chopped okro, allow it to cook and then add the bitter leaves - just enough to be visible but not too much as to overshadow the other elements in the pot. Add palm oil and after just one minute, you can put off the flame.

So, cooking Nigerian or any other meals may seem difficult, but they are not really. It is all in the pre-cooking. The actual cooking is never difficult when once you are done with the preparations