Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The third world must learn to stop crying to the western imperialists who obviously enjoy the information control to release some of the control but it must find its own means  and also become its own source of information
Science and technology and research should be encouraged so that better ways for advancement can be invented for the developing world and by the developing world.  


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Bladerson, K. (2011, september 28). new world order for media: says world media summiT. Accessed   
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Carlsson, U. (2004). Quaderns del CAC. Retrieved october 12, 2011, from http://www.cac.cat
Domatob, J. (1994). Coverage of Africa in American Popular Magazines. Issue: A Journal of        Opinion , 26.
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MacBride et al. (1981). many voices one world. london: Anchor press ltd. and wm.Brendon and son ltd.

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